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Important Update: Bulk Access Codes Expiration Policy

 EduClasses is in the process of updating the Bulk Access Codes system to ensure that unredeemed Bulk Access Codes do not expire.

Until this update is fully implemented, please contact Customer Service to extend the expiration dates on any unredeemed Bulk Access Codes as needed.

We appreciate your patience and are committed to making this process more seamless for our customers.

For assistance, please reach out to our Customer Service team.

Thank you,
EduClasses Support Team

Washington DC (District of Columbia)

Student / Client User Rights

Food Handler Classes, FHC®, is dedicated to the success and satisfaction of our student/client base. FHC holds true to the fundamental belief that the success of our student/client directly reflects the success of FHC. To maintain the continued success and growth of the student/client, as well as that of FoodHandlerclasses.com, the following directives must be followed:

  • FHC will in no way discriminate against any who choose to purchase and take their course through FoodHandlerClasses.com.
  • FHC will always allow the student/client the right to view and/or print their certificate at any time before the student/client's certificate expires.
  • FHC will in no way prohibit or censor any complaint regarding the course, website mechanics, or staff regardless of how it is received (Phone, email, support ticket, in person) from access of upper management.

Last updated: 4/7/2024