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Online courses

  • Food Handler Training

    Learning objectives

    This course will take you through the fundamentals of food safety for your food handler training certificate. Once the course has been completed, you should have a good understanding of what foodborne illness is, how it is caused, and what you can do to help prevent it from occurring.

    Please note the following concerning FHC food handlers classes certificate

    The food handlers training information provided in this food handlers certificate course is approved in Northern Nevada for those seeking a food handler certificate.  This food handler course is not approved for individuals seeking PIC (Person In Charge) or Food Manager Certification.

    This food handler course is NOT approved in the following locations:

    • Washoe County: Including the cities of Reno, Gerlach, Sparks, Incline Village, Verdi and Sutcliff.
    • Douglas County: Including the cities of Carson, Minden, Genoa and Glenbrook.
    • Southern Nevada: Including the cities of Las Vegas, Henderson, Boulder City, Mesquite, Primm, Sloan, Nelson and Arden.

    You may also be required to transfer or register our food handlers certificate with your local health department. If you're not sure, please be sure to contact them regarding this issue.

    The State of Nevada requires all manufacturers/producers of cannabis edibles to have food safety training provided by this food handlers certificate program.


    Course details:

    • Course access for 60 days
    • 3 chances to pass timed exam
    • Certificate valid for 3 years

The food handlers card training you need without the hassle

FHC provides a robust easy to use education program

Simple and Secure

FHC® Food Handler Classes, FoodHandlerClasses.com offers an easy and elegant way to obtain your ANAB accredited food handler training certificate at minimal cost and effort to you.

The FHC food handler program allows study at your own pace

Food Handler Training Evolved

Gone are the days of attending food handler and food safety physical classes to become food handler certified. Our online food handlers training program can be completed in a shorter time, and at your own pace!

ANAB Nationally Accredited Food Handler Certificate Issuer

Nationally AccreditedNationally Accredited

FHC® Food Handler Classes, food handlers card program, is recognized nationwide and is ANAB accredited. That means you can be sure our online food handlers certificates represent quality food handler training at the highest level.