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Política y Procedimientos de Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades


It is the policy of EduClasses®. dba FHC®, Food Handler Classes, FoodHandlerClasses.com, to comply with all state and federal laws concerning the employment of persons with disabilities so as not to discriminate against them, and to provide reasonable training and examination accommodations to qualified individuals.


An individual with a disability, as described by the ADA, is a person who:

  • Has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity;
  • Has a record or history of substantially limiting impairment, or
  • Is regarded or perceived as having a substantially limiting impairment.

Reasonable Accommodation

If you are a qualified individual with a disability, and you believe that you will need some change or adjustment to one or more of the training course activities, you may request a reasonable accommodation.

Reasonable accommodations available to qualified individuals with disabilities may include, but are not limited to:

  • Providing written materials in accessible formats;
  • Providing readers or sign language interpreters;
  • Conducting recruitment, interviews and test in accessible locations;
  • Providing or modifying equipment or devices; or
  • Adjusting or modifying application policies and procedures as necessary.

Your request for a reasonable accommodation may be made orally or in writing.

FoodHandlerClasses.com reserves the right to memorialize any such request in written form for record-keeping and quality assurance.

To request an accommodation:

  • You, or someone acting on your behalf, must inform Food Handler Classes that you need some sort of change or adjustment to the training course because of your impairment.
  • Unless your disability and the need for accommodation are obvious, FHC may ask you for reasonable documentation from your physician, license healthcare practitioner, or other appropriate professional explaining the disability and why an accommodation is necessary.
  • Although you may request specific accommodations, if more than one possible accommodation is available that will meet your needs, FoodHandlerClasses.com reserves the right to choose which accommodation to provide. If an accommodation that Food Handler Classes proposes will not meet your needs, you will need to explain why.
  • Food Handler Classesm does not need to provide an accommodation if doing so would create an undue hardship.

If you wish to submit your request for a reasonable accommodation in writing, please print and complete the form below and return it to EduClasses dba Food Handler Classes.

You may also download the form to Requets Reasonable Accommodation here: ADA Request Form.

Request for Reasonable Accommodation

If you are a qualified applicant seeking a reasonable accommodation under the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, please complete this form and return it to EduClasses dba Food Handler Classes.

Your name:  
Your address:  
Your email:  

Please identify the impairment(s) that you believe are affecting your ability to take this food safety training course.


Please describe the accommodation(s) you are requesting as well as any alternative.


Explain how the requested accommodation(s) will allow you to take this food safety training course.


Are there any essential functions of the this food safety training course that you will be unable do without the requested accommodation(s)? Please explain.



Signature   Date

Mail to: EduClasses dba FHC
1908 W. Taylor St
Sherman, TX 75092

Last updated: 2/28/2025