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Certificate Program Purpose

Food handler education and training program

The program includes employee knowledge, responsibilities and training when preparing, handling and serving food to the public.

Education or training course curriculum

The food handler training or education course includes the following basic food safety principles.

  1. Foodborne disease outbreak. Instruction on foodborne disease outbreak includes the definition of foodborne disease outbreak, the causes and preventive measures, including employee reporting requirements.
  2. Good hygienic practices. Instruction on good hygienic practices including cleanliness and importance of correct and frequent hand washing.
  3. Preventing contamination by employees. Instruction includes the training requirements for contact with ready to eat food with bare hands.
  4. Cross Contamination. Instruction on cross contamination includes procedures on the prevention of cross-contamination of foods, sanitization methods and corrective actions relating to Equipment, Utensils, and Linens.
  5. Time and temperature. Instruction includes time and temperature control of foods to limit pathogen growth or toxin production.