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California Walnut Chorizo Meat (a vegan meat substitute)
California Walnut Chorizo Meat (a vegan meat substitute)
A recipe for chorizo made with walnuts and chickpeas

This recipe can be found at El Restaurante

Recipe courtesy of California Walnuts (walnuts.org)

Makes 24 servings; ¼ cup each

3 c. California walnuts

1 ½ c. chickpeas, cooked

1 c. vegetable oil

1 T. white vinegar

1 T. paprika

2 t. salt, kosher

2 t. ancho pepper, ground

2 t. oregano, dried

1 t. chipotle, ground

1 t. cumin, ground

1 t. coriander, ground

Combine all ingredients in a food processor and pulse until walnuts are the size of a grain of rice. Transfer walnut chorizo to a skillet and cook on medium-low heat until warmed through. Serve warm or reserve until ready to use.